Safety Glasses USA Buying Guide

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Every day in this country there are thousands of occurrences of eye injuries. Unfortunately, in many of these situations injury could have been prevented if the victim were wearing proper safety glasses. Often people who wear regular glasses assume they are protected, but there are major differences between everyday eyewear and safety glasses. In order to be labeled “Safety Glasses” they must meet certain standards set by the American National Standards Institute, such as ensuring the impact resistance of the lenses. There are many options for safety glasses on the market, so it can be daunting to wade through all the options to determine what you may need.

The most basic feature to look for in a good pair of safety glasses is to ensure they cover your eyes not only in the front, but also on the sides and from the top so that nothing can get around. They do not necessarily have to be goggles, but there are plenty of applications where such complete coverage may be desired. This particular design is readily available, though it can be difficult for those who wear prescription glasses to find a pair that works well for them. Fortunately, there are also models which are designed to fit over most standard prescription eyeglasses. Champion’s Over-Spec Ballistic Glasses are a perfect affordable choice for a glasses wearer who needs extra protection.

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Safety glasses can be needed in many situations and locations. For wearers who will be using their glasses outdoors, further visual protection is usually a desired attribute. Though basic tint is helpful, it is highly recommended to also include UV protection. Since outdoor activity tends to involve physical exertion, the fit and comfort of the glasses is very important so that you don’t lose them or sacrifice any protection due to jostling. With the sun as an added factor, glare resistance should also be a concern. Though this seems to be a lot of features to pack into a pair of glasses, NoCry’s Safety Sunglasses pack all of these needs into a single, stylish product.

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For those who are looking for a pair of glasses specifically for shooting, there are a few considerations to take into account. The last thing one wants to worry about when shooting is their glasses. Therefore, the safety glasses they use should be lightweight and comfortable while also providing the expected level of protection. A shooter should also ensure that they purchase a pair of safety glasses that include anti-fog lenses and good ventilation so that they are not at risk of having their sight compromised. Depending on the environment, UV protection and tinting may also be desired. The Howard Leight by Honeywell Genesis Sharp-Shooter Shooting Glasses meets these requirements, come in three different tints, and are highly rated by hundreds of reviewers.

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Whether you are a shooter, a woodworker, or something in between, you may one day find yourself needing or desiring a bit of magnification in order to better focus on your task without straining your eyes. Though there are plenty of options for prescription safety glasses, if only minor assistance is needed then consider a pair of safety glasses that offer some magnification. For example, Elvex makes a line of glasses with magnification from 0.5 to 2.0x.

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Many styles of safety glasses come with choices for lens color. These colors are not just a fashion choice but also have specific purposes.​

  • Clear lenses are the most common and are best for indoor use since they allow the highest level of visible light transmission. They are also generally the only suitable choice for low light work.
  • Tinted or indoor/outdoor lenses reduce the amount of visible light transmission and can be used for applications that require moving between areas with different light conditions. They are generally more suited for outdoor use but as long as the tint is not heavy they can be used indoors where there is ample lighting. Most of these lenses include UV protection.
  • Mirroring can be added to outdoor lenses in order to reduce glare and assist with reducing light transmission
  • Amber lenses are becoming increasingly common as testing has proven the tint to enhance color contrast in indoor low-light conditions. This makes them excellent for indoor work, especially in situations where blue light is in abundance. These are actually becoming quite popular in the console and computer gaming community since blocking the blue light from screens reduces the stress on the eyes and allows for longer gaming sessions. These would also be appropriate for outdoor use when the weather is overcast.
  • Blue lenses, contrary to amber lenses, block out yellow light. These are good for reducing eyestrain in areas that have heavy sodium lighting, such as manufacturing shops.

For the shooter or general wearer who might have many needs for their glasses but do not want to purchase multiple pairs, there are several manufacturers who offer products with interchangeable lenses. The Titus Premium G Series Multi-Lens Safety Glasses Bundle comes with 9 pieces, so no matter the application the wearer is covered.

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Given the large percentage of the population who wear glasses regularly, this guide would be remiss if it did not include a prescription solution. There are many prescription ready safety frames that can be purchased and taken to a lens fitter, but one of the best options is the ArmouRx 6009 Safety Glasses, which comes in several colors and provides great wraparound protection. The buyer will need to ensure the lenses they add are also graded for safety use, but these are very affordable as far as prescription frames go.

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Though safety glasses are such a basic accessory, there are a large amount of options and customizations available. Buyers should take careful consideration to make sure they are purchasing a pair that is right for their circumstances, but these products are often affordable enough that multiple pairs for different situations should not break the bank. When in doubt, it is certainly better to have a pair than nothing at all.​