All posts in "Other Safety and Defence Products"

Best Car Gun Safe for Protection on the Go

By Owen Caroll

Are you one of those people who like to have your gun with you at all times? If so, the best car gun safe for protection on the go is exactly what you need to travel with your gun but keep it safe and secure at the same time. With a car gun safe, you […]


Best Fingerprint Gun Safe for Home 2018

By Owen Caroll

When you have a regular gun safe with a traditional lock or keypad, a burglar or thief will easily be able to open it. And even worse, a younger child can easily remember what the combination is and get into the gun safe as well. If either of these situations were to happen, your gun […]


Best Gun Safe for the Money

By Owen Caroll

If you own a gun, the chances are that the thought of purchasing a gun safe has crossed your mind at one point or another. But is having a gun safe actually necessary? It’s not like you need a gun safe to have food, shelter or water, right?While this may be true, what is a […]


Best Nightstand Gun Safe for Home Protection

By Owen Caroll

The main reason you probably bought a gun is to ensure that you, as well as your family, are safe. But at the same time, it is essential that you are certain that you keep your gun stored away safely. If not, your children or even a burglar may get a hold of it, and […]


Best Leg Knife Holster Reviews for Your Money in 2019

By Owen Caroll

There are many different tools you can use for self-defense, but certain situations call for certain weapons. And if you prefer to honor the wishes of private property owners and not bring a gun on premises when they ask that you not, there are plenty of other options. Many people choose to conceal knives as […]


Best Concealed Carry Options for Personal Defense in 2018

By Owen Caroll

Investing in a concealed carry weapon for personal defense is a smart idea. If your state allows for you to carry a concealed self-defense weapon and you’ve gone through the training and licensing procedures, you can purchase a gun to carry with you for protection.Buying your weapon is an exciting experience, but it can also […]


Top Hidden Wall Safe Options for 2018

By Owen Caroll

Safes are always a good idea if you have anything of value that you need to protect. Biometric gun safes, diversion safes, floor safes, stack-on wall safes, college dorm safes, fingerprint gun safes, and many others great ways to hide and protect your firearms and other personal belongings. In this article, we will concentrate on […]


Best Security Light with Camera for 2018

By Owen Caroll

It is becoming common practice for home and business owners to install outdoors—and sometimes indoors—security lights in order to increase the safety of their environment. Today, there are so many different cameras on the market. Outdoor security cameras with night vision, surveillance cameras with motion sensors, hidden cameras, dome cameras, CCTV cameras, Wi-Fi cameras, ethernet […]


Best Cell Phone Gun Holster: The Top 5 Reviews & Buying Guide 2017

By Owen Caroll

If you’re a licensed gun owner, it probably goes without saying that you’re often looking for new accessories for your firearms. Having a number of holsters for different situations is ideal for any gun owner. Living in an open carry state allows gun owners to have their firearms publicly displayed, and there have been many […]

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