Range Bag Content: What to Store

Range Bag Content What to Store

A satisfying shooting practice at the range begins with carrying a dependable, quality range bag. Gun owners should invest in a bag that has all the features they need and hasdurable construction as well. Secondly, the pack should be packed with the essentials you require and stored correctly.

In this article, we are going to discuss range bag essentials to get you started. Some of the items in this checklist might not be a necessity for you so you can go and improvise; this checklist only serves as a reference for gun owners.

What You Need

A good range bag will serve its purpose well if it includes all the crucial items the gun owner needs for his target practice. They are the following:


Ammunition is an important component of your shooting range arsenal so you have to guarantee that it will operate as it should be. Invest in ammunition that is suggested for your firearm. It wouldn’t hurt if you invest in a reputable brand as well.

Eye and hearing protection

These items should always be included in your list of range bag essentials. While the majority of ranges provide the opportunity of allowing their patrons to borrow eye and ear protectors, owning a good pair of this item is recommended since it will be more convenient for you.

Hearing protectors come in the form of earmuffs, disposable earplugs, foam ear plugs, noise-canceling earmuffs and more. For eye protection, make sure to go for a unit that follows proper OSHA specifications.

Spare batteries

Ear protectors and their batteries go hand in hand so in order not to delay practice and keep your ears safe, always make sure to have additional batteries for the protective gear.

Squib rob

The squib rob is used for dislodging stuck casings or bullets in the barrel of a gun. Bullets can get stuck at times due to firing a number of times with a weak load. This weak load translates to a lack of powder in the gun cartridge. You have to refrain from target practice in case a stuck bullet happens and you do not have a squib rod on hand, so always be prepared.

First aid kit

It cannot be helped at times; accidents happen to the best of us. Whenever it happens though, you should be always ready. These accidents can range from a cut, a blister or a minor injury.

Thus it is always practical to have a first aid kit around. The kit should have enough bandages and antibacterial ointment. The bandage is there to decrease infection due to cuts or open wounds.


There are also times when we need to fix things while at the range. Adjustments and repairs can be dealt with if you have tools or a handy multi-tool around. You can continue with practice as soon as you have tackled the problem. Hence if you want to have steady practice in the range, always make sure to have a multi-tool on hand. You never know when you might have to use the item.

Gun oil/lubricant

Gun oil is crucial, particularly if you want to extend your target practice hours. Now you won’t have to deal with a dry gun after a lengthy practice since you have gun oil around. There are lots of gun oils being sold in the market today but always go for one that has great quality.

Notebook and pen

While you are not going to write a novel in the range or create prompts for it, it is nice to have something you can write on and mull over your progress. Keep track of your improvements by jotting down information in a notebook.

The details should always include the amount of ammunition you employed during the day, the targets you shot, the guns you used, ammunition restocks and more.

Range bag essentials are important since they will make your days at the shooting range easy and stress-free.

If you have a habit of borrowing other items from people at the range, you can break that habit by getting your own stuff and putting them in a quality range bag.

There are many range bags sold in the market right now and they differ in terms of prices and styles. Due to the wide selection, you will never have any problems finding for one that will fit you best.