Want to protect yourself, but not sure how? There are many different options, one of which is purchasing a few different self defense weapons to help you feel secure. Taking a self-defense class, practicing with these tools so that you understand how (and how not) to use them and developing muscle memory so that you don’t have to think about using them in the moment are key.
When investing in a self-defense weapon, beyond pepper spray, that will help you defend yourself against an attacker, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind. One is self-defense law and understanding that laws in different states vary when it comes to what you can carry. You’ll want to take a moment before buying anything to do a thorough check, so that you aren’t breaking any laws when carrying, traveling with, and driving with these weapons. It’s best to be informed before you begin to take them with you.
Before you can read up on whether you can legally carry this item, you’ll want to take a quick assessment of your needs and goals. Why are you thinking of buying a self-defense weapon (or weapons)? What kind of weapon are you looking for? Where do you intend to use it? Do you know how to use it effectively, or would you need some sort of training or instruction? What kind of area or situation are you going to use this weapon in? Are you prepared to use a weapon to defend yourself, or is there some sort of training you should take before carrying the weapon? Plus, are you prepared to use physical force on an attacker? It’s true that in carrying a weapon, some people can even cause themselves more harm. For instance, if an attacker sees you have a knife, he or she may go into fight-or-flight mode and attempt to hurt you, whereas, if you were unarmed, the attacker may have simply stolen your wallet and run.
That said, once you’ve done your homework, there are a few tried and true favorites out there in terms of most convenient and effective weapons. One big reason people choose these is that they don’t want to or can’t legally carry a gun.
Our top picks for self defense weapons in 2017:
Spyderco C81GPBK ParaMilitary 2 G-10 Plain Edge Knife

Spyderco C81GPBK ParaMilitary 2 G-10 Plain Edge Knife
This knife is well worth the $150 price tag. It’s small, folds up easily, and is based on a military design. The blade is stainless steel. Our favorite aspect of this tactical knife is that you can open it one-handed. Good for cleaning fish as well as protecting yourself. It has a convenient clip for pockets, and it won’t rust. Studies show that knives are actually more harmful to assailants than guns at close range. It weighs 3 ounces, and users reported that it was so compact and light that they forgot it was in their pocket.
Ratel Brother Survival Gear Tactical Pen for Self Defense with LED Flashlight, Multi-Tool and Glass Breaker

Ratel Brother Survival Gear Tactical Pen for Self Defense with LED Flashlight, Multi-Tool and Glass Breaker
Ah, the tactical pen. This is one of the neatest tools out there when it comes to subtle yet effective self defense. It’s just over $16, though there are pricier brands out there. It’s convenient, great if you don’t want to carry a knife, and simple to use. Plus, it’s a functioning pen and flashlight as well. If you ever find yourself trapped in a vehicle (or need to get inside a car an emergency), this pen has a tip made of tungsten carbide that will break glass.
The VIPERTEK VTS-880 Mini Stun Gun

The VIPERTEK VTS-880 Mini Stun Gun
This mini stun gun from Vipertek is rechargeable, sleek, comes in a ton of different colors, and, lets admit it, looks pretty badass. It fits almost anywhere. Stick it in your pocket or clutch, hold it or put it in a coat pocket if you’re out running, carry it through dark parking garages, or leave it on your bedside table or in your car. We think this would also make an excellent birthday present. At $10, buy a couple. The company has a reputation for putting out high-quality products, and each stun gun has a lasting warranty. There’s even a little flashlight in there. Just don’t try to bring it on a plane. Users said it packs a powerful punch. However, know that for some attackers, a stun gun’s high-voltage shock will be ineffective.
Vigilant PPS-22BL130dB Personal Alarm with LED Flashlight and Keyring Key Chain

Vigilant PPS-22BL130dB Personal Alarm with LED Flashlight and Keyring Key Chain
Another item in same price range as the mini stun gun and the tactical pen is the subtle personal alarm key chain. You can keep it on your key ring, stick it on a child’s backpack, or clip it to your pocket or purse. But this is no ordinary key chain: it’s really an alarm made to look like a car keychain, and it emits an incredibly loud noise for up to thirty minutes. All you have to do is pull out the pin. It also has a flashlight. Unlike most electronic devices, this one comes with the batteries, so it’s good to go from the moment you receive the package.
SureFire Defender Series LED Flashlights with Strike Bezel

SureFire Defender Series LED Flashlights with Strike Bezel
You’re probably noticing a theme emerging in this list: most tactical self defense devices have built-in flashnights. Why not just get a flashlight? Well, we have one for you. This handsome, $200 tactical weapon packs a major punch: up to 300 lumens of blinding light, with a much lower setting for longer battery life. If a blast of insanely bright light isn’t enough to deter a creep or assailant, you have the Strike Bezel and the tailcap. Just hold it in your palm, make a fist, and punch. Simple to use, effective, and elegant.
Owning one or a few weapons is only the first step in protecting yourself. Stay aware, and be smart. Know that 4 in 5 cases of rape, for instance, victims knew their attacker firsthand. In the case of many household robberies, someone has been watching your home for a while before making their move. Keep your weapon close, so that you’ll actually be able to reach them if you need to. Most importantly, make smart decisions, stay in areas you know are safe, and don’t be afraid to make a lot of noise if someone is making you feel uncomfortable. Peoples’ gut instincts are remarkably accurate in instances when they’re actually in danger. Most of the time, social norms tell us to be quiet and to ignore these instincts. Even practicing screaming at someone to leave you alone can be a great weapon in your self defense arsenal.