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Owen Caroll


Best Leg Knife Holster Reviews for Your Money in 2019

By Owen Caroll

There are many different tools you can use for self-defense, but certain situations call for certain weapons. And if you prefer to honor the wishes of private property owners and not bring a gun on premises when they ask that you not, there are plenty of other options. Many people choose to conceal knives as […]


Best GPS Tracker for Kids in 2018

By Owen Caroll

Ever wanted to attach a tracker to different devices on your child so you know where they are at all times? You aren’t alone. Parents have always spent years looking for ways to keep their kids safe and out of trouble, and now with GPS tracking, it’s easier than ever to know where your child […]


Best Wooden Gun Rack for Home Display

By Owen Caroll

Storing your guns is one of the most important parts of gun ownership. The best storage option is going to vary based on a number of different things, including what’s included in your collection and who is living in the same house as your collection. There are other things to consider, too.If you’re a gun […]


Best Truck Gun Holster for Your Vehicle

By Owen Caroll

If you’re a concealed carry permit holder and you spend a lot of time in your truck or car, it’s a good idea to have a concealed holster for your vehicle.A truck gun holster allows you to keep your gun with you without having to wear it—something that can be uncomfortable on longer drives. It […]


Best Gun-Mounted Camera for Hunting

By Owen Caroll

Have you ever thought about how much fun it would be to make a movie about hunting? Would you love to do it from a first-person point of view, but that just hasn’t ever seemed possible?It is now with the number of gun-mounted cameras for hunting that are available.You can join all of the people […]


Top Solar Powered Security Camera Options for 2018

By Owen Caroll

Though many home and business owners love the idea of having security cameras protecting their property, one of the biggest challenges that they all face is how to power them. Wired systems can be bulky and expensive to install if an electrician needs to get involved. Popular wireless systems tend to run on battery power, […]


Best Concealed Carry Options for Personal Defense in 2018

By Owen Caroll

Investing in a concealed carry weapon for personal defense is a smart idea. If your state allows for you to carry a concealed self-defense weapon and you’ve gone through the training and licensing procedures, you can purchase a gun to carry with you for protection.Buying your weapon is an exciting experience, but it can also […]


Top Hidden Wall Safe Options for 2018

By Owen Caroll

Safes are always a good idea if you have anything of value that you need to protect. Biometric gun safes, diversion safes, floor safes, stack-on wall safes, college dorm safes, fingerprint gun safes, and many others great ways to hide and protect your firearms and other personal belongings. In this article, we will concentrate on […]


Best Wireless Security Camera System Reviews 2018

By Owen Caroll

When you are away from home or your office do you find yourself wondering what is going on there? Have you had some suspicious activity that you want to get to the bottom of? Or are you even just interested in deterring any potential future activity? If any of these questions are relevant to you […]


Best Self-Monitored Home Security System

By Owen Caroll

Though many things change over the years, the need to keep your family safe and secure never does. There are a lot of ways to accomplish this goal but one of the most popular and comprehensive is to install a home security system. These home security systems come in many forms. There are alarm systems, […]

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