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Owen Caroll


Best Safety Glasses with Reviews

By Owen Caroll

There is a lot more to safety eyewear than just some plastic that shields the wearer from debris. To be able to be sold as safety glasses, a product must meet certain ANSI standards such as thresholds for impact and heat resistance. There are many things to consider when purchasing a pair of safety glasses, […]


Safety Glasses USA Buying Guide

By Owen Caroll

Every day in this country there are thousands of occurrences of eye injuries. Unfortunately, in many of these situations injury could have been prevented if the victim were wearing proper safety glasses. Often people who wear regular glasses assume they are protected, but there are major differences between everyday eyewear and safety glasses. In order […]


Best Pistol Range Bag Reviews and Recommendations

By Owen Caroll

Though it is often the least expensive aspect of gun ownership, the range bag is an important item that everyone should have. Proper consideration should be given to the best size and layout depending on the intended usage. A small bag might be more appropriate for beginners or quick trips. Someone who has multiple weapons […]


Prescription Safety Glasses Buying Guide

By Owen Caroll

As many a 60% of people in the world wear some form of corrective lenses or have had surgery to repair their vision. Even people who did not require lenses when they were younger may develop vision impairment as they age. Therefore, it is safe to assume that a large number of the customer base […]


Legal Self Defense Weapons: A Buyer’s Guide 2017

By Owen Caroll

Want to protect yourself, but not sure how? There are many different options, one of which is purchasing a few different self defense weapons to help you feel secure. Taking a self-defense class, practicing with these tools so that you understand how (and how not) to use them and developing muscle memory so that you […]


Vehicle Gun Holster Options for Staying Safe at All Times

By Owen Caroll

Have you been thinking about purchasing a vehicle gun holster for your handgun? This product is one way to make sure you’re armed at a crucial time: when you’re driving. Many people choose to invest in a vehicle holster as a convenient way to carry a gun when traveling or commuting. They choose car holsters […]


Best Gun Holsters for Women 2017

By Owen Caroll

Women have increasingly been joining the male dominated ranks of firearm users in recent years. Whether it is for protection, pleasure, or a mix of both, it is undeniable that females are catching on and enjoying the benefits of gun ownership. As they become more comfortable with handling their weapon, many women are choosing to […]


Best Security Alert Systems Review 2017

By Owen Caroll

No matter where you live, home security and vulnerability should always be a concern. Break-ins and vandalism happen in cities, suburbs, and even in rural areas where the closest neighbors may be miles away. Primary residences and businesses are at security vulnerability risk due to housing the majority of an owner’s valuables, but even secondary […]


The 5 Best Concealed Carry Shoulder Holsters On The Market In 2017

By Owen Caroll

Like IWB holsters, belt holsters, and conceal carry holsters, a good quality shoulder concealment holster can make it a whole lot easier for you to enjoy your experience of carrying your firearm and these shoulder rigs offer deep concealment of the weapon.It can make the process a whole lot easier and a lot more comfortable […]


Security Vest Reviews: A Buying Guide 2017

By Owen Caroll

Generally when one thinks about a security vest, they assume the main consumer is in some form of military, security, or law enforcement position. Though this is the core purchasing group, the audience for these vests is actually a wider array of citizens than one might think. Civilians who do not occupy a hazardous position […]

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