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Shooting Range Guru


Best Biometric Gun Safe

By Shooting Range Guru

The best biometric gun safe offers you a safe place to keep your weapon with an electronic locking system that allows you quick access to your weapon. These safes with biometrics allow you the ability to access the contents of the safe a lot quicker than any other type of safe. You can select a […]


Best Gun Safe for the Money

By Shooting Range Guru

You know how they say that you get what you pay for? This is true for everything you pay for whether it is a product or service and we want to help ensure that you get the best gun safe for the money because we understand that everyone has a budget and not everyone can […]


Gun Safe Vs. Gun Cabinet

By Shooting Range Guru

The common man now resides in troubled times therefore, protection of family, friends and individual property becomes necessary and sometimes may also involve the use of firearms. With proper documents and intricate knowledge about the weapon, one can purchase guns and keep the same in their homes under lock and key for future applications under […]


How much does a Gun Safe Weigh?

By Shooting Range Guru

One of the most critical factors that one needs to keep in mind while shopping for a gun safe is the weight. Most of the time, individuals get carried away with the more funky features made available to the customers in the finished products from the manufacturer itself. All the while they don’t take into […]


How to Break into a Gun Safe?

By Shooting Range Guru

It is quite a common occurrence to be in situations where one has either forgotten the combinations to ones safe, the locking system has failed, mechanical trouble has set in the lock or the biometrics are not working.All these are outcomes of one common scenario – the safe simply refuses to open. Those who have […]


How to Build a Gun Safe?

By Shooting Range Guru

If you are looking for a safe storage for one or more guns, then a gun safe is meant for you. It is mainly used to prevent someone from using it without the owner’s permission. A gun safe is also best for the safekeeping of the guns and ammunition against burglary and accidental usage.Anyone who […]


How to Choose a Gun Safe?

By Shooting Range Guru

A gun safe is an essential for any individual who already owns a firearm or is planning to own one.This is not only a safe practice but also an action enforced by law in many states. Choosing the best gun safe depends on some key factors which an individual should emphasize on while purchasing a […]

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