There’s nothing like knowing that you’ve got the protection that you need should some dangerous situation begin to take shape. This is where a self-defense weapon like a keychain can come in very handy! Having something quick and small on standby can make all of the difference—and these personal alarm, sharp shooter keychain, and keychain knife self-defense weapons could help to save you from some very sticky circumstances too. Keychain gadgets, also known as pocket sticks for self-defense, are so great because they’re generally undetectable. Depending on which kind of keychain you’re looking for, you’re sure to find more than enough options that are suitable for your needs! The most popular types of self-defense keychains are the ones that offer pepper spray, but there are numerous other choices out there you might find that tickle your fancy. Once you’ve got an idea of what you can get, you might want to invest in a few of these different options!
Anytime Blades Self Defense Spike Keychain
This particular keychain might not look very intimidating at first glance, but it could do some serious damage should the wrong person walk up to it! It’s got a pretty small body and although the spikes aren’t necessarily sharp, they can be used in a fast and timely manner to cause notable harm. There’s not much to this basic design, but the eye-catching purple color should make it easy to spot if ever you need to grab on and use it in the heat of a moment. You can easily attach it to your key ring in just a few moments. This offering seems to be a brand new product in the market, but there should be no reason for you to be unsure about purchasing this one! The price tag is very fair—and that reason alone makes it worth a try at the least.
Streetwise Pink Mini SMACK Stun Gun
Most people can’t even tell that this is a stun gun at first glance, and that’s part of the lure of this product . It might look like a tube of chapstick or lipstick to the untrained eye, and that makes it perfect to deploy in an instant when an emergency situation arises! It’s less than half the size of most standard stun guns and it’s probably just a little thicker than a five-stick pack of gum. You can order this stun gun with or without a holster on it, and it easily attaches to your key ring with no issue. A device like this one is so easy to conceal that it would make sense to order a few at a time to store in multiple different places. The convenient built-in USB charging mechanism makes it easy to charge this stun gun at any time and it will be hard to believe just how powerful this little wizard is! Even if you can’t get to the stun gun that you have attached to your keys during a time of an emergency, you could quickly grab this weapon out of a convenient hiding spot without detection. The Mini SMACK was built to last so you can have a sense of relief knowing that you can count on the lifetime warranty.
TI-EDC Titanium Triangle Keychain Tactical Tool Pendant
Titanium alloy is to thank here for the solid construction of this particular self-defense keychain. The shape and design are reminiscent of one of those fidget spinners that have been popular in the media recently, so it might end up looking like a toy to some people at first glance. It’s fairly small, handmade, and lightweight so it will attach easily to any key ring that you might have. You could even keep it right in your pocket or in the glove box in your vehicle. Other people might decide to attach their pendant to a paracord This is the kind of tactical tool that you grip in your fist with one of the pointed ends extended between your pointer and middle fingers. Both left and right-handed users can use this gadget with no problem. It works as a glass breaker and a weapon you can use against an attacker in numerous ways! This is weather and rust-resistant and it should feel good in your hand. Although it’s a more expensive choice, there are quite a few glowing reviews about the product already. With a 4-star rating, you shouldn’t be disappointed with this option!
BLINGSTING ahh!-larm Emergency Self Defense Personal Panic Alarm
This panic alarm is for those especially “girly girls” that like to have flair in all of the accessories that they carry. The mother-daughter duo that founded the company was less than pleased with the limited female-friendly options for pepper spray that they found for sale—so they created their own! The best thing about this product is that although it looks very nice, it also serves a purpose. A panic alarm like this one is the perfect thing to have in addition to another tool for self-defense. You want to use the panic alarm to alert others to your distress—and you want to use whatever other tools you have to disarm or take down your opposition. With a piercing 120-decibel siren inside it, anyone in the nearby area should be alerted by its sound. It also has an LED safety light built into it as well, so seeing through darkness should be less of a problem. This particular product has been featured in many different outlets in the national press and they’ve sold thousands of products to date although this offering is fairly new here.
Investing in multiple kinds of self-defense keychains is the best way to be sure you’re prepared for whatever emergency might come your way. Having some level of preparation prior to an emergency is key—and self-defense keychains can be a small but useful part of your emergency planning. They won’t break the bank and they’ll help you to protect yourself against unwanted hazards and bad people that might come into contact. Make sure you’re not caught out there in the world without some kind of protection!