Best Self Defense Weapons for Women 2017

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There are a high number of assaults on women each year and many of them can be deterred with even a basic self defense weapon. Unlike men, women must be on the alert in many common scenarios beyond walking to their car in the dark, such as on dates and even when alone in the home. There are plenty of self defense weapons to choose from but women should give extra consideration to concealability, usability and effectiveness.

Pepper spray is a classic self defense weapon, especially for women. It can easily be carried on a keychain for quick access and is generally inconspicuous and easy to use. The Sabre Red Key Case Pepper Spray is a police strength formula that has a 10 foot range, enough to incapacitate any close-up attacker. Sabre is a brand that is highly trusted by many military and police departments, so the average civilian should feel very safe having this product at the ready.

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A classic stun gun is always an effective weapon. Though it requires the user to be up close and personal with their attacker, that is unfortunately a very frequent circumstance. Consider the Heavy Duty Stun Gun by Hiegoo. Its rubber coated handle fits perfectly in any hand and prevents slippage. There is a standard safety switch, but there is also a stun activation button which has to be depressed to operate the stun, so accidental discharge is not a concern at all. This weapon also includes an extremely bright LED flashlight which can be used in a casual setting or to disorient an attacker. The device is powered by an internal battery which is rechargeable. There is a charging cord included and the stun gun can hold a full charge for 6 months.

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When it comes to camouflage, nothing beats the Tanking Pink Key Knife. This is a short folding blade that is disguised as a key and certainly would not be pegged by a potential attacker as a defense weapon. Though this is a non-lethal weapon it could certainly do enough damage to deter someone and potentially save a life. If you are using this weapon, you should take care to aim for serious weak points such as the eyes, neck, and groin. Though many would not bother with this weapon given its small size, it is worth considering that in many public places like airports and stadiums, larger blades are not allowed. Therefore it is not entirely silly to have a simple device such as this on hand.

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For the woman who is out after hours or who is home alone, the Vipertek VTS-T03 Heavy Duty Stun Gun is an excellent choice. In non-emergency situations it is a high powered 350 lumen tactical flashlight, which can light up a large area. If in an emergency situation, the high powered stun ability can take out anyone no matter their size. It is also made of a heavy metal that will add a great deal of power to any woman’s swing. This includes a rechargeable battery and cord so it can be ready whenever you need it. The size is small enough that it can be taken anywhere without being obtrusive. Even test firing this device can scare off an attacker, and the flashlight is strong enough to temporarily blind them, so the user may not even have to resort to violence in order to defend herself.

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A well prepared woman may be thoroughly armed but likely does not want to appear as such. In that case, stealth and concealment would be desired features in a self defense weapon. One such option that incorporates these concepts into the design is the WinSoon Aluminum Kubaton Keychain Self Defense Cuspidal. It comes in a wide variety of colors and the design is inconspicuous enough that no one would think twice about its presence. It is made of lightweight aluminum so it adds no weight to your keychain but can do some serious damaged when used in the right place. The business end is pointed enough to penetrate any soft area and the ribbed body makes removal difficult and even more damaging than the initial impact. Not only can this be used for self defense but it also doubles as a window breaker in case one is trapped in their vehicle.

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Though not exactly a weapon, any woman who is concerned for her safety should really carry a personal alarm. These devices are designed to emit light and sound to both disorient an attacker and alert anyone nearby that there is someone in distress. These can be used in conjunction with other self defense weapons, and in many cases using a personal alarm with throw the attacker off enough that even a seemingly basic weapon, such as pepper spray or a small knife, can be much more effective. The WCH8211 Emergency Personal Alarm Keychain by Mengde is a great inexpensive choice for women and children. It emits a 120 decibel alarm which is loud enough to cause hearing damage, so an attacker would at least be startled if not deterred. Its stylish design blends in with any keychain so it is not obtrusive. It can be attached anywhere, from bags to belt loops to keyrings, whatever is most convenient. It is activated by simply pulling the pin out, or pulling the body of the device away from the keychain to remove the pin, and can be turned off by reinserting the pin. If needed, the alarm can sound for 40-60 minutes on a fresh battery, so there should be no concern about the alarm dying off when you need it.

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Women are no doubt a strong species, but even so they should be prepared for whatever the world throws at them. Even though they are more empowered these days they are still viewed as easy targets by many would-be attackers. Having the right tools on hand and knowing how to use them can make the difference between being a victim and being a survivor.​