All posts in "Other Safety and Defence Products"

Top 5 Super Bright Flashlight Options

By Owen Caroll

A super bright flashlight can come in very useful in all kinds of situations. Whether you’re camping, hunting, walking the dog, or your car’s broken down, a high quality super bright flashlight is a great tool to have. Not only will it give you light, helping to keep you safe, it will also alert others […]


Silhouette Targets for Shooting Practice

By Owen Caroll

Whether you’re an airsoft pro, a law enforcement officer, or an outdoor hunter, even the ultimate gunslinger needs a little shooting practice at the shooting range now and then and what better way to do it than through the use of long-range shooting and quality silhouette targets. These shooters come in all kinds of shapes, […]


How to Break into a Gun Safe?

By Shooting Range Guru

It is quite a common occurrence to be in situations where one has either forgotten the combinations to ones safe, the locking system has failed, mechanical trouble has set in the lock or the biometrics are not working.All these are outcomes of one common scenario – the safe simply refuses to open. Those who have […]


Best Magazine Loader Reviews for 2017

By Owen Caroll

A good magazine loader is a necessity for any avid shooter. Not only will they save your fingers from fatigue when loading those last bullets, they will allow you to do it much more quickly than ever before. For many people, it makes reloading their magazines a much more enjoyable process at a relatively low […]


How to Build a Gun Safe?

By Shooting Range Guru

If you are looking for a safe storage for one or more guns, then a gun safe is meant for you. It is mainly used to prevent someone from using it without the owner’s permission. A gun safe is also best for the safekeeping of the guns and ammunition against burglary and accidental usage.Anyone who […]


How to Choose a Gun Safe?

By Shooting Range Guru

A gun safe is an essential for any individual who already owns a firearm or is planning to own one.This is not only a safe practice but also an action enforced by law in many states. Choosing the best gun safe depends on some key factors which an individual should emphasize on while purchasing a […]


Best Safety Glasses with Reviews

By Owen Caroll

There is a lot more to safety eyewear than just some plastic that shields the wearer from debris. To be able to be sold as safety glasses, a product must meet certain ANSI standards such as thresholds for impact and heat resistance. There are many things to consider when purchasing a pair of safety glasses, […]


Safety Glasses USA Buying Guide

By Owen Caroll

Every day in this country there are thousands of occurrences of eye injuries. Unfortunately, in many of these situations injury could have been prevented if the victim were wearing proper safety glasses. Often people who wear regular glasses assume they are protected, but there are major differences between everyday eyewear and safety glasses. In order […]


How to Move a Gun Safe

By Shooting Range Guru

No matter for how long you are staying at your place, if you have a safe there will be a situation sooner or later which will make you move that heavy safe.You may want to move it toa location within or outside the house, but you still have to move it and the precautions that […]


Best Pistol Range Bag Reviews and Recommendations

By Owen Caroll

Though it is often the least expensive aspect of gun ownership, the range bag is an important item that everyone should have. Proper consideration should be given to the best size and layout depending on the intended usage. A small bag might be more appropriate for beginners or quick trips. Someone who has multiple weapons […]

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