All posts in "Other Safety and Defence Products"

What is a Range Bag

By Shooting Range Guru

Learning how to shoot is something that is not exclusive for those in the police or military. It can be for those who want to know how to protect themselves, those who would like to be better at hunting, or basically anyone who’s interested in participating in shooting sports. Learning how to shoot is more […]


G.P.S. Tactical Range Backpack Review

By Shooting Range Guru

Have you run out of anything interesting to do during your free time? Well, if you have, you may want to consider learning some cool activities such as competitive shooting. More and more people are getting hooked on it because it is such a fun and challenging activity.Aside from that, it offers a lot of […]


Explorer Tactical Range Ready Bag Review

By Shooting Range Guru

Learning how to shoot is a fun and exhilarating experience. Aside from learning one way to defend yourself, it offers you a lot of health benefits, not to mention a wonderful way to spend your free time.Shooting is a form of exercise; it’s an activity that challenges not just the body but also the mind. […]


Osage River Tactical Shooting Gun Range Bag Review

By Shooting Range Guru

Shooting has become an activity than not only men in uniform or those who are into hunting can participate in. It has gained a lot of popularity in recent years as a fun and interesting hobby. In fact, it is also considered as a sport, and more and more people are becoming interested in it.Aside […]


GunMate Range Bag Review

By Shooting Range Guru

Shooting used to be an unpopular activity. This is because when people hear the word ‘gun’ or ‘shooting’, they immediately think of something bad. Actually, guns aren’t bad. It’s the manner of using it that determines if it is good or not.That being said, more and more people are trying to debunk this negative notion […]


Explorer Tactical 12 Pistol Padded Gun and Gear Bag Review

By Shooting Range Guru

Are you looking for an activity that is challenging, fun, and interesting?If you are, you definitely should consider learning how to shoot as a new activity to keep you occupied. It is no longer an activity that only cops, soldiers, and hunters can participate in.In fact, more and more people are becoming interested in competitive […]

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