We can never have too many bags! When it comes to traveling or getting around in our everyday lives, we want to be sure that we’ve got the right tactical gear and bag to get us through. Tactical sling bags with numerous easy access pouches or a tactical sling pack with a hydration bladder can be a great choice if you have some rugged days ahead. Not only do you want to be sure that you get there safely, but you want to ensure the very same for your belongings as well. Think first about the kinds of things you carry with you on a daily basis with your current bag with numerous pouches. Is there enough room for all of your essential items? How about those other items that you just like to have on hand in close reach? How long do you expect the bag to last you for in terms of quality? Which bags will make the cut?
You want a great mix of storage and style in whichever bag you choose to use. We’ve searched high and low to answer these questions and there’s a number of great picks that you’ll want to check out before you buy.
REEBOW GEAR Tactical Sling Bag
Made with an extremely durable polyester material, this sling bag might be fairly small, but it maximizes on storage space in every way possible. This tactical sling bag comes in two different colors and the moderate price points should be tangible for most budgets. There are numerous zipper compartments, pockets, and attachment points where you can keep all of the valuable gadgets and accessories that keep you going during your long journeys. A small iPad, multiple bottles of water, and a number of bulkier accessories can fit into the main compartment. There’s a zipper compartment inside the face of the main compartment where you might decide to keep your wallet, keys, and cell phone. One of the coolest features of this bag is the partially-hidden compartment on the backside of the bag when you can holster and conceal a firearm. You could also choose to keep a second handgun in the pocket compartment found on the backside of the main compartment. There are so many options for storage with this bag that you really can’t go wrong. It’s got a 4.5-star rating and more than 100 customers have been satisfied with this buy.
G4Free Outdoor Tactical Backpack
As even more of a “micro mini” option that the previously mentioned choice, the G4Free Outdoor Tactical Backpack can go anywhere you do without adding too much bulk to your load. There are six colorways for you to choose from so you should be able to get the look that best matches your personal taste. The design and function of this pack can’t be overlooked and it provides a huge benefit to be as small as it is. The main compartment has a strap-in pocket where you could keep a tablet or other expensive tech and a smaller pocket across from that one where you might want to keep a cell phone or wallet. The main compartment itself could easily house a water bottle or a lightweight sweater if you plan to come up against some cooler weather. There’s a smaller front zipper pocket that small gadgets should work into with no problem. Many attachment points and Velcro pads will make you secure in knowing that all of your items will stay put! The adjustable body strap makes it simple to get the perfect fit and it will conform to your shape and move with you. With more than 600 reviews and a 4.5-star rating, you know you can’t go wrong with this one!
Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Pack
With an ambidextrous design and durable polyester construction, the Rover Sling Pack has four spacious compartments to carry all of your most important gear. It’s available in 7 different colors, and each color comes with a different price point. If you don’t have a preference where color is concerned, you might be able to save yourself a few bucks in the process. There’s a hidden pocket that snaps closed to conceal your pistol on the backside of this bag where the strap is. You can keep a pretty good sized tablet device in here along with a first-aid kit and binoculars if you so choose. The numerous attachment points will make it easy to access things you use often without a second thought. It even comes along with a D-ring that you can use to get started with attaching things to your pack. With a 4.5-star rating and more than 1,000 customer reviews, an investment in the Red Rock brand would be a wise one.
TravTac Stage II Small Sling Bag
This small tactical sling bag from TravTac is designed for quick trips and everyday carry, but it’s still spacious enough to pack all of your most crucial items. Just to be on the safe side, it’s wisest to consider the dimensions of this product in the description before buying! The main compartment is separated into multiple pockets and it could just about fit a 2-liter bottle of soda inside it. For a comparative idea, it lets you know you have a good amount of space to work with. A small tablet device along with a number of other gadgets could fit in here and stow away safely and you would still have a lot of space left to utilize. You could supply yourself with ample water and a few snacks as well. Attachment points, Velcro pads, and a smaller front zipper pocket create even more opportunities for storage.
Gowara Gear Tactical Sling Bag
As the biggest in terms of size, this Tactical Sling Bag from Gowara Gear is large enough to stow a 14-inch laptop, books, magazines, or a notepad. You could expect to take this along on a multi-day journey with no problem if you had to do so. The attachment points, Velcro pads and pull cords will help you carry even more. Although it’s only got a few more than 20 reviews, the 4.5-star rating says that this offering has everything that you might want.